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Energy rebalancing, as the name suggests, consists in recalibrating the energy of the human body, energy that is often dispersed and reduced due to the most varied causes (stress, bad thoughts, obsessive-compulsive attitudes, etc.).
Referring to energy balance, a scale may come to mind, with two opposing weights that remain in balance with each other. However, well-being is not a fixed point, in staticity there is no life, joy or love. This is evident if we observe every living creature: flowers, animals, men.
Everything grows, develops and then begins to decay. What is not growing is dying, there are no immobile organisms. Energy balance for the human being is a generative, creative, developmental movement, which makes his energy system lush and productive.
For an effective result, the techniques that contribute to restoring energy are many and complementary to each other. Personally, I range from music therapy to sound therapy, up to breathwork practices to achieve mindfullness and Yoga live or even online.

We are all capable of rebalancing our own energy, we don’t need to have magical powers or come from who knows what mystical experiences. There are no chosen ones, the emotional energy rebalancing course is within the reach of anyone, young or old, man or woman, worker or student… there are no limits or constraints to obtain good results in a reasonable time! The only limit I have detected in recent years is found within us.
There is no need to take medicines or supplements during an energy rebalancing process, on the contrary, these courses help to eliminate or at least reduce the intake of drugs, starting with the infamous antidepressants, neuroleptics and mood stabilizers.
To find out about the courses in emotional energetic rebalancing of the chakras, click here
It is not possible to achieve the body’s energetic rebalancing with an artificial and constantly hectic lifestyle, not taking time to listen to the body’s signals, using and eating non-natural products, polluting without caring: the body itself would give you the signal by becoming ill, because it is intrinsically united with the Nature from which it comes.
Just as Nature’s tendency is to move towards balance, the human body does the same: it naturally tends towards balance, and the more you live in harmony with Nature, with its rhythms, with its cycles and respecting its Laws , the more you will notice that a spontaneous rebalancing trend takes hold in your physical body.
Constantly rebalancing our mental-emotional and physical system is only possible by living in harmony with Mother Nature, because the body is not “ours”, and is not separate from all other living beings, but is a conscious assembly of natural elements that come from the Earth and are united with it, they are part of it.
The Chakras are circular vortices of energy, real energy centers which, like valves, regulate the flow of energy in our energy system. They are neither physical nor visible, but they are absolutely real and are located along our body, starting from the bottom tip of the coccyx, up to the top of the head.
They are spiritual “organs” that govern the flow of energy in our body, influencing vitality, overall outlook on life, and spiritual growth. The flow of energy that moves like a river of light through our chakras keeps the body, mind and spirit balanced and healthy.In order for there to be a constant energetic rebalancing of the Chakras, it is necessary to rely on a constant practice of mental energetic rebalancing, emotional and spiritual energetic rebalancing.
An imbalance in one chakra, for example, can later manifest itself as an imbalance in the physical body. It is possible, for example due to a traumatic injury, that both the physical body and the chakras are simultaneously unbalanced. Physical healing occurs much more quickly when the energetic anatomy, particularly in the chakras, is aligned after injury.
Thus, for example, an imbalance in a certain part of the body can be harmonized by resonating the associated chakra with the voice or with various energy practices, or with a guided meditation to rebalance the chakras.
Also read this article where I recommend daily practices to restore your body’s energy level.

As for the physical body, a natural state also exists for the mind: when the mind is cleansed of conditioning, identifications, which generate imbalance, it returns to being quiet, empty, collaborative and useful. Only then can the mind be trusted, which at that point is a no-mind, is one with the Self, and is naturally in balance. Working on oneself means facing the journey from a disturbed mental state to a state of restoring the mind to its naturalness.
Mental hygiene begins with the daily practice of meditation, which if carried out with consistency and dedication, leads you to cleanse yourself of all those thoughts which, if they stagnate in your space, can interfere, take over, alter the psychic balance and somatise in physical discomfort.
Meditation is not trying to chase away thoughts to achieve stillness: emptiness cannot be reached like this, it is not the result of a choice, of an action.
Only the constant practice of meditation brings the awareness necessary for the establishment of mental balance: it is a condition in which you do not prefer one thought over another, you do not cultivate one idea at the expense of another, but you stay in the middle, at the point meeting place of all thoughts, you observe them and do not identify with them.
If you are interested in starting to practice mindfulness meditation click here to find out more

As happens with thoughts, the same goes for emotions: identification is what blocks the flow of energy. When energy flows, it tends towards balance on its own. No action is needed on our part: any action would once again be an interference in the natural course of things, which moves towards harmony. The core of the ego, and therefore of every energetic imbalance, is the emotion of fear. It has remote origins, in the traumas of the inner child and even further back, in the karma that we carry from past lives and that we have come to dissolve and heal.
You get angry?
Welcome anger, welcome it, follow its energetic paths within your body, let its energy distribute itself.
And don’t act on her impulse, hurting those who are there in front of you. When you give in to the ego, you apparently feel strong because you are defending yourself, in reality you weaken: your energy goes out of balance, as by reacting you disperse it outside and exhaust yourself. If this happens, you have the illusion for a few moments that you have won the battle, but it will be a matter of time before you realize that this is not the case.
You are scared? Valley meeting. Don’t hold back. Fear is what makes you retreat from the challenges that existence offers you and that you have attracted. Don’t run away. Fear is always the indicator that there is an interesting adventure to experience, there is something that makes you grow, some aspect of yourself that is worth meeting. Every great opportunity in life comes forward accompanied by fear: once you understand this, you accept change willingly, knowing that a great gift is on the way.
Being in control of yourself means recognizing the charge that every emotion brings with it. It’s not managing emotions with mind control, but being open to discovering the nature of the emotion, being available to see where it takes us.
Meditation, just as it brings rebalancing to thoughts, brings it to emotions and chakras
Enjoy this guided meditation (in italian) for chakra rebalancing through vocal intonation: