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How does Radiesthesia work?
In Radiesthesia we start from the assumption that each element (animal, vegetable and mineral) vibrates at its own frequency, also definable as a “wavelength”, which can be measured with the radiesthesic technique. To do this, specific tables are used that are “calibrated” in Angström or Bovis Units (UB).
Radiesthesia is unique in testing the entire range of vibrational remedies (flower essences, elixirs of precious stones and crystals, homeopathic remedies, etc.), and can be complementary to kinesiological tests and those performed using bioelectronic instruments (EAV, Vega Test, etc.).
At the basis of the functioning of radiesthesia there seems to be a phenomenon of bio-resonance.
To remind ourselves what resonance is, just think of the famous and simple school experiment performed with two tuning forks, from which we can see that elements of a similar nature vibrate in a practically identical way, since they have the same wavelength, and therefore appear to be in some way “linked” energetically.
Our being, using this ability, acts as a biological analyzer and is therefore able to communicate to us which music, color, food or vibrational remedy is compatible or incompatible for us. But with radiesthesia we go even further; in fact, through the brain we are able to send or receive input up to very long distances. Thus it is possible to make an energetic diagnosis, using certain precautions, even in the absence of the subject and even many kilometers away. The radiesthesia phenomenon involves our entire being: the physical body, the mind and the spirit; this is why I would define radiesthesia as a “global energetic technique”. In fact, the answers we want to obtain are also “suggested” by our unconscious that I call “subconscious intuition”, and isn’t this intuition also part of the voice of the spiritual being enclosed within our “physical envelope”?
To conclude: radiesthesia is a bioenergetic resonance technique whose functionality is given by the cooperation between the brain and the subconscious. Therefore, man is a perfect monitoring “device”; “he just has to learn to use himself”.
What is Vibrational Medicine?
Vibrational Medicine can be defined as the deep exploration of the anatomical-energetic dimension of our body. In this, quantum medicine, or quantum, is interested in vital energy, considered as an essential vehicle for the transmission and cohesion of correct information, in the form of frequencies, on which our entire life depends. In the field of bioenergetic medicine, quantum medicine interacts with the activity of structures such as atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, organs and systems. Vital energy is contained in everything and is present within us, managing the peculiar energetic relationships that structure the state of health. When the flow of this energy is disturbed, for various reasons, be they physical or psychological, an alteration of the correct relationship between the different energies is found, giving rise to symptoms and disorders.
Quantum Radiesthesia and Vibrational Medicine
Quantum Radiesthesia is based on the concept that reality is a subjective phenomenon made up of various quantum states (Multidimensional Universe). When using radiesthesic instruments, one experiences only one of them through what is called “collapse of the wave function”. We speak of a collapse of the wave function when at the moment of the investigation the set of all the possible states described by it are instantly reduced to a single one (all probabilities collapse to a single state). For Eugene Wigner (Nobel Prize for Physics in 1963), Consciousness is precisely the non-linear phenomenon that determines the collapse of the wave function. From this point of view, it could be said that the act of observing is able to transform the question into an answer (investigation of Quantum Radiesthesia).
The investigation of Quantum Radiesthesia is part of the so-called Quantum Medicine, also called quantum bioenergetics (a branch of holistic medicine) which is the study of the dynamics of energies transmitted by cells, tissues and organs. What is the fundamental structure typical of living beings that allows them to remain in constant connection with everything that exists, continuously exchanging information with the Cosmos? DNA. According to several researchers, DNA is a powerful quantum computer that sends and receives information with all of Creation through Units of Consciousness. Assuming that there is no “three-dimensional” reality but a “hyper-dimensional” one with multiple quantum states, DNA is that structure that acts as a bridge between the various quantum states. Carlo Ventura, professor and researcher at the University of Bologna, has demonstrated with laboratory tests that DNA can be modified using the frequencies of magnetic fields, therefore we consider DNA as a quantum resonator.
The instruments of modern radiesthesia
The biosensor (otherwise called: biotensor, biotensor, bio-antenna, biotester etc.) is the instrument of modern radiesthesia par excellence, and is generally the most widely used by therapists. This tool consists of a handle generally made of brass or steel, but there are also models in bakelite and wood, from whose head a thin steel rod (flexible) starts, at the top of which is inserted a “grave” (receptor), generally in the shape of a washer or spiral.
The biosensor can be defined as a “signal amplifier”, since it enhances, through the oscillations of the receptor, the imperceptible neuromuscular movements of our body, probably deriving from the inputs received from the collaboration brain-subconscious.
The coding of these oscillations determines the correct interpretation of the test results. Another important research tool is the radiesthesia indicator (pendulum), irreplaceable for research through the use of dials.
How does it work Vibrational Medicine?
For years, academic medicine has relied on classical physics, the thought of Descartes and Newton’s discoveries: it has considered the world of reality as an intricate material mechanism and the human body as a sort of “biological computer” controlled by the brain and the peripheral nervous system.
More recently, it has opened the doors to modern quantum physics, realizing that the human being is not a machine, but a network of energy fields that vibrate in resonance with physical-cellular systems: if the balance is correct, you have health; when it is altered, then disease begins.
This concept, which is also found in other more ancient medicines, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, draws its foundations from Einstein’s thought, according to which all matter is energy: subsequently, many scientists have perfected this idea, already present in Pythagoras who spoke of “music of the celestial spheres”.
Energy and matter are therefore the two aspects of the same universal substance: a primary energy, or vibration, of which human beings are obviously also composed. Living matter is very different from condensed inanimate matter: it is in fact capable of renewing itself, reproducing itself, maintaining itself within a very precise design. This concept has represented the revolution of scientific thought, and only recently has the concept of “vital force” begun to be accepted because it tends to coincide with the concept of immunity.
Vibrational or bioenergetic medicine studies the properties of the organism to exchange electromagnetic signals within itself between its components, and with the external environment. Each biological reaction must be preceded by specific information, that is, by a correct vibration. The first cell was already a system capable of self-regulation, with a polarized membrane, with its own metabolism, with the ability to grow and reproduce and to communicate through electromagnetic waves with other cells. The organism is made up of a dense network of communication systems: this leads to a high degree of functional complexity even in the simplest living structures.
To restore order to the disordered vibrations, and therefore bring back to health a sick organism, vibrational medicine was born, of which Sound Therapy is an important part.
If you want to learn more about it, read here