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However, our busy life in the modern world often likes to disturb this dance of cells. With sound therapy, thanks to the principle of resonance according to which acoustic waves act on a physical system which reacts by vibrating “sympathetically” at the same frequency as the sound emitted, it is possible recreate that harmonious dance of the cells which is the basis of our well-being.
The human body can be understood metaphorically as an orchestra, in which every organ, bone, tissue and part has a resonance frequency, a phenomenon known as bio-resonance. Together, these parts form a composite frequency which is your personal resonant frequency which could be defined as a harmonic tone which is the sum total of all resonating frequencies. We are therefore like a beautiful orchestra, playing a beautiful melody that keeps us whole and healthy.
If we continue with our metaphor of the human body as an orchestra, we might see the concept of disease as when the second violin, for example, loses the score and starts playing in the wrong key, and eventually causes the whole orchestra sounds bad.
Western medicine tries to solve the problem with drugs or surgery. But what if it were possible to give the poor musician his score back and let the whole orchestra return to normal? This, in essence, is the concept of using resonance to heal with sound.
The phenomenon where sound vibrations are used to change the vibrations of something else is called entrainment. With dragging, the powerful vibrations of one object actually change the vibrations of another object, causing this second object to synchronize with the first. This is a natural phenomenon that appears to have to do with the conservation of energy.
We often experience entrainment in regards to our internal rhythms. Our heart rate, breathing rate, and brain wave activity interact with each other. If you want to experience it immediately, simply take a few deep breaths long. By slowing your breathing in this way, you also slow down your heart rate and breathing. Conversely, when you slow down your brainwaves, your heart rate and breathing also slow down.
A phrase I like to use for this tracking phenomenon is “frequency shift”. It means changing the vibratory speed of an organism to a different speed. to achieve more balance, harmony and health. When through vibrational therapy or through techniques that use vibrational sound frequencies we move the vibrations of an organ, or perhaps of our chakras to another level of resonance, we are actually changing frequencies. If a part of our human body or etheric vibrates at a disharmonious level and we drag it into another vibration, it is a frequency shift.

Like all other organs, the nervous system also has a variable natural frequency, i.e. a frequency that varies according to the interactions that take place: it can be excited or inhibited depending on the situation, which causes an increase or decrease in its natural frequency. One of the peculiarities of our brain, and which differentiates it from all the other organs of our body (from a vibrational point of view), is its sensitivity to any instrument that emits frequency waves since it tends to tune naturally with the external signal; this means that the vibrational frequency of the brain can be easily influenced and changed simply by listening to certain vibrational sound frequencies. With sound therapy and vibrational medicine, thanks to the harmonious sounds created by Tibetan bells > or other tools we can also create a resonance with the brain waves of the person being treated by stimulating the alpha waves and theta waves > than to accompany a state of homeostasis and relaxation. If you want to know more read my article on the synchronization and induction of brain waves through sound.
The sound therapy and vibrational therapy sessions are characterized by the use of ancient tools together with advanced technologies.
My goal as a vibrational holistic practitioner is to calm the nervous system and bring it into a balanced state. These sessions are more than just a moment of relaxation. They can help balance brain activity and lead the user to a new way of responding to stress. In the sessions I use guided meditation techniques to help you practice mindful attention to your physical presence, connecting your mind to your breath and increasing your self-awareness. I lead users through imagination as I create soothing and healing soundscapes to help you feel balanced, positive, calm and recharged. Specifically, anyone who undergoes a session of sound therapy or vibrational therapy will be able to enjoy the following beneficial effects:
- Reduction of stress-related problems, such as headaches, sleep disturbances, lack of energy, etc.
- Prevention of the development of burnout syndrome
- Reduction of anxiety disorders and the likelihood of panic attacks
- Improvement of mood swings
- Reduction of psychosomatic disorders
- Greater ability to concentrate
- Rebalancing of the energy centers
The main tools I use in sound-vibrational treatments are:
- Tibetan bells
- tuning fork
- Shamanic drum
- Rain stick
- HangDrum
- Ocean Drum
- Gong
- Koshi
The sound massage consists in placing the Tibetan bells directly on the body of the person to be treated or around it.
We therefore work both on the physical body and on the person’s energy body. By placing the bells on the body, two results are obtained: on the one hand, it is possible to exploit the benefits linked to the sound of the bell itself, to the power of its harmonics and its balancing frequencies, on the other, the physical effect of the vibrations is added ( for this reason it is included among the practices of vibrational medicine).
The vibration emitted by the Tibetan bells is transmitted to the underlying body and since the adult human body is made up of at least 70% water, this body composition of ours allows for the expansion of the vibration within the body.
In this way all the cells begin to vibrate and during their dance they slowly find their original order. The treatment lasting an hour is carried out both on the front and on the back of the body.

In addition to the classic individual treatment, I also deal with group sound harmonizations.
During the harmonic sound bath the participants enter a state of deep relaxation thanks to the creation of a real sound concert which immerses the participants in what can be defined as an ocean of sounds, thus making them experience a unique experience and unforgettable experience.
To the sound of the Tibetan bells are added other instruments such as for example the shamanic drum, the rain stick, the oceanic drum, the gong, etc.
In the harmonizations it is also possible to insert short moments of Guided Meditation, of reading poems or other things, avoiding in any case removing the main role from the sound which always represents the leitmotif.