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Nada (नाद) is a Sanskrit term that means flow of sound. This term also includes in its context vibrations, tones and “silent sounds” that come from inside our body.
Yoga means “union”, so the literal meaning of Nada Yoga is union through sound. This practice is in fact a process of union of the individual mind with the cosmic consciousness through the flow of sounds. Nada Yoga is a practice aimed at transforming the perception of hearing by turning it inward, to listen to the pure sound of our spirit. It is estimated that the origin of Nada Yoga dates back to over 5000 years ago and it is quite well known that ancient civilizations, as well as shamanic traditions, have used sound to influence the mind and stimulate healing processes in the body. For this reason, Nada Yoga can be considered a “therapeutic yoga”.
There is an aspect of Nada, which we can, with attention, experience through the senses (hearing, touch): but there are also others, increasingly subtle and refined, which we can only test by tiptoeing into the deepest states of our mind.
It is vitally important to understand within our wisdom that Yoga is first and foremost a lifestyle, a state of consciousness leaning towards unity, harmony and balance: a state of consciousness tending towards the calamitic.
In my Yoga courses in Lecce and the Province I alternate the practice of pranayama and meditation with asanas, accompanying the entire practice with frequencies and specific compositions that facilitate deep listening and to accompany our organism towards inner peace. In the final relaxation, we practice a sound bath
which consists of a real sound concert that immerses participants in what can be defined as an ocean of sounds, making them live a unique and unforgettable experience. The sound of Tibetan bells is combined with other instruments such as the shamanic drum, the rain stick, the ocean drum, the gong, etc. Each lesson ends with the collective singing of a mantra that allows you to express your feelings and increase awareness of the most subtle energetic vibrations, bringing relaxation and serenity.
Be silent, listen to every little perception carefully and delicately placed inside our parsimonious casing; there, where everything vibrates with absolute certainty, and meticulous coherence; with the exact frequency of life, which manifests itself with simplicity and candor through a peaceful harmony perfectly tuned with life itself: this is Nada Yoga.
Click here to learn more about the various Yoga courses that we practice in Nardò in the province of Lecce

We all know that the organ responsible for listening is the ear and that when we listen to sounds these reach us through the auditory channel. However, not everyone knows that sound also reaches us through a series of non-auditory channels that are very important in influencing our mind-body system.
In fact, sounds are also transmitted through the skin, which, thanks to its piezoelectric properties and Pacinian corpuscles, is able to “listen” to sounds and discriminate frequencies. Muscles and connective tissue are also able to transmit sound through protein structures.
The MC cell system has a specific importance in the transmission of sounds through extra-auditory channels. These cells constitute a system of sensors and transducers of electromagnetic fields, communicating with the autonomic nervous system and the neuro-endocrine-immunological system. All this tells us that the vibratory aspect of sounds deeply modifies our mind-body system by acting on the skin, muscles, connective system and MC cells. Sound, in other words, also influences us in its form of mechanical waves.
But what exactly is this “pure sound” that Nada Yoga aims to listen to?
In ancient texts it is called Anahata Nada which In practical terms, these are the internal sounds that our body produces, from the most obvious ones (the heartbeat, the breath) to the more subtle and difficult to grasp ones that are produced and heard by sushumna, the central energy channel, and are particularly strong in the heart chakra (whose Sanskrit name is precisely Anahata).
Nada Yoga aims to achieve Samadhi through listening to this internal sound. Samadhi is the experience of pure consciousness that transcends the mind and body. On the path to experiencing this type of enlightenment, the practitioner discovers the wisdom of the body, emotional and cognitive intelligence and the union between body and mind (atman or soul). Nada Yoga is considered a powerful means to promote this union.
As our vibration and sensitivity are refined through Nada Yoga, we learn to perceive subtle sounds through the mind and body.
Come and discover Nada Yoga in our Yoga courses in Lecce and the Province

Thanks to the practice of Nada Yoga you can rediscover full health, lightness of mind and a new awareness of your own expression, of the strength and energy that your voice has for your own realization.
We often interact and talk all day, but we are not at all aware of the sensations in the body, of our voice and of the energy that it conducts, both when we speak to ourselves and to others.
Some advantages and benefits reported by those who attend my Nada Yoga courses in Lecce and the Province with consistency:
- Increases the ability to listen
- Promotes relaxation
- Increases concentration
- Sharpens hearing
- Helps cultivate patience
- Promotes clear thinking
- Mitigates symptoms of anxiety and stress
Nada Yoga requires a lot of practice and a lot of consistency to train the hearing to go beyond its limits. Catch everything you can, without any judgment, and over time the sounds you keep inside you will surface spontaneously one after the other.
Nada Yoga is a fascinating and ancient practice that brings us back into contact with sound and its primordial vibrations; it talks about you and how you relate to yourself, how you inhabit your body, how you align your mind, how you express your soul.
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